Lions Club
Lions Club International
Our association is made up of 1.4 million members in 49,000 clubs who bring hands and hearts to the communities we serve in nearly every country on earth. The mission of the Lion Club as stated on their website is to "empower Lions clubs, volunteers and partners to improve health and wellbeing, strengthen communities, and support those in need through humanitarian service and grants that impact lives globally, and encourage peace and international understanding. And we fulfill it every day, everywhere we serve."
Warren Lions Club was chartered March 18, 1947
what we do
- In 1947 a group of Lions Club members worked to get the construction of Bradley County’s first hospital on the voting ballot.
- Each year Warren Lions Club goes into all the schools in Bradley County, both public and private, and does vision screenings for preschoolers heading into Kindergarten the following year.
- Warren Lions Club provides financial assistance for eye exams and eyewear to those in Bradley County that meet the income and eligibility guidelines.
In order to provide these services to Bradley County residents, Warren Lions Club has held an annual fundraiser for over 45 years. It’s called the “Gospel Music Jamboree, A Bradley County Pink Tomato Festival Event”, and it’s usually held Thursday night of Pink Tomato Festival week.
Neeley Vance, President
Keeton Hudson, Vice President
James Wells, Treasurer
Tim Kessler, Zone Chair
David King
Delbert Zimmerly
Gregg Reep
Leslie Huitt
Randy Rawls